For the swirl, I chose his "Dulce de Leche" (p. 171). I chose this one because from my last attempt at making caramel (See Sweet Melissa Sundays post for Strawberry Turn Overs), I learned it is quite a chore... and one that doesn't always turn out right. This Dulce de Leche required only a can of sweetened condensed milk, a preheated oven, and some patience....
You simply take your 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk, pour it into a dish about the size of an 8 x 8, and then put that 8 x 8 (or similar sized dish) inside a larger dish which is filled half way with water. Stick it in the oven for quite a while (see his book for more details) and MAGICALLY, out comes delicious, perfect Dulce de Leche!
Post-Bake Picture:

As the Dulce was cooling, I began churning the Ice Cream mixture in my Ice Cream maker. When it was done, the Dulce was just about cool enough to be added to the ice cream.
Take some ice cream, and pour it in your Air Tight, Freezer container of choice. Then, blob some of your Dulce de Leche on top:

Then, repeat. Make another ice cream layer, followed by another Dulce layer. Repeat until all of the ice cream is gone (there will probably be some dulce de leche left - that is fine! Keep it in a glass, or microwaveable container, so that when you serve your sundaes, you can microwave it and pour it on top of your dessert!)

the remaining dulce
Sorry, no glorious Sundae shots this time. But trust me, it was delicious.
YUM! Looks fantastic!
I love me some dulce de leche. And ice cream is always good.
Looks amazing - you know when there's no sundae shot that it was so good that it disappeared quickly :)
I just wanted to share that you can actually make dulce de leche with sweetened condensed milk, and leave it in the can. You just put the can of sweetened condensed milk (don't open it!) into a pot of boiling water (make sure the can is completely covered) and boil for about 2 hours, OR you can even do the crock pot method - cover the can with water in the crock pot and cook on high for about 5 hours or low for 8 hours or so... just as tasty and very easy!
Mmmm, yum! Love ice cream! I've been wanting to make my own dulce de leche. Pretty easy then?
Hope your Honey's feeling better!
This sounds like a bit of Heaven on Earth.. bet it was fantastic!
Oh lactose intollerance, so infuriating, this looks sooo good.
I trust you, I bet it was delicious!
Thanks for the dulche de leche recipe. I tried to make it once by boiling the milk...and there was NO magic.
Hey, Stephanie!
Meyer lemons have a milder lemon flavor. They are not as acidic as regular lemons. Unfortunately they can be difficult to find. I usually ask (bug)the produce mgr at Publix and he gets them in for me but unfortunately they are a seasonal item which makes it even more of a challenge. :) Good luck.
I have only made two ice creams from that book, and I decided today that I am going to make one new ice cream every week. I know that seems like a lot but my kids DEVOUR ice cream. I just made a batch of the chocolate ice cream tonight and it is delicious. I'm going to try the "Philly" style next time.
I told my boyfriend that I would make ice cream this weekend, this looks like a great option!
Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
Easily I agree but I contemplate the collection should have more info then it has.
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