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Sunday, May 24, 2009

No Sweet Melissa Sundays :(

Sorry, there won't be a Sweet Melissa Sundays post for me this week :( I just started school again after a semester off, and it turns out graduate courses are actually a lot more work than undergraduate courses... though I probably should have guessed that. On top of that, we have family coming in, anddd nobody here really likes Cherry pie very much. Thoughhhh if I did have time to bake, I assure you I would have found a delicious substitution to fit the picky tastes in this household. So I apologize, but I'll see you around next week! Hopefully, I'll have a post soon with the results of an extremely scientific chocolate chip cookie experiment I conducted recently :)

To avoid a posting NOTHING today, I'll post some neato things I've seen floating around the internet lately:

*Cupcake Stop - SOMEONE BEAT ME TO IT, DAMN IT! My sister sent me this fun linky, check it out. PS: I'm jealous of all you NY-ers.
*Silicone Cake Pan Liner - From the fabulous blog Baking Bites who constantly updates me on things I want to own.
*Check it out! - Totally cute, hilarious girl.

In the meantime, still check out the other sweet melissa sundays bakers posts!


Megan said...

Aww - too bad - it was a really good pie. But I totally hear you about accommodating household tastes.

Fit Chick said...

Good luck with school and I hope you find time to squeeze in some baking.


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