This week's selection from The Sweet Melissa Baking Book was chosen by Elyse of Confectionery Creations. She picked the chocolatey Brooklyn Blackout Cake on page 111. It is a rich, chocolatey Devil's Food-ish chocolate cake, iced with ganache and a Brownie Crumble. This means the recipe also involved making the chocolate cake on page 111 and the Brownies from page 82. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm.
As usual, I changed it up a wee bit. Since Daniel isn't such a chocolate fan, I didn't want to waste a ton of cake, so I opted to halve the recipe. Instead of one smaller cake, I made 2 little 4 inch cakes, 1 little mini angel food / bundt shaped cake, and 1 cupcake. But I did make the full amount of Brownies because... well, were both totally OK with having extra brownies around. First, I made the brownies. I baked them Saturday afternoon so they'd have enough time to cool and chill out before I chopped them to add to the ganache for the cake.
Chocolate Walnut Brownies (minus the Walnuts), pg 82

The Brownies came out incredibly good. Normally, my brownies, no matter what recipe I use, tend to be a little on the dry side the first day, but improve greatly the next day. These brownies were moist and perfect that very same night. By 10 oclock, just a few hours after they were made, we sampled and were both pleasantly surprised by them. And yes, they were even better the next day. I would definitely make this recipe again. The only difference I made from the original recipe was to omit the walnuts and to bake in an 8 x8 dish instead of a 9 x9.
And the Cake... well, it's really UGLY.

I didn't spread the frosting on the sides of the cake. And I could not get the layers to lay flat and even. My brownie crumble was so chunky that I could not get an even layer of it, so when the top layer was laid on top, it didn't sit straight. Oh well, so it's ugly. It'll still probably taste good! I suppose we shall see tonight!

Be sure to check out the rest of the Sweet Melissa Sundays members' posts on Brooklyn Blackout Cake - hopefully theirs came out cuter than mine!
Who cares if it is ugly, I am sure it is going to taste great!
I don't think that it's ugly..it looks sinfully delicious!
Did you like the way it tasted?
I think your cake looks yummy! The brownies were really delicious, weren't they? :)
I'm not crazy about chocolate cake but this actually sounds pretty good especially the brownie ganache!
Happy Easter (or Passover, or Spring)!
I bet it tastes wonderful! Great job on the cake! (and brownies..)
I think its just beautiful and I bet it tasted fantastic!
Ugly?! You are CRAZY! It looks delicious and I really wish my book had gotten here in time to make this one.
Looks yummy to me!
Oh, I'm sure it tasted good; it looks great. This was a very messy but yummy recipe.
Yum, Stephanie!! Your mini blackout cake looks fabulous!! I thought the brownies were delicious, too. I was super impressed!! You took some awesome photographs, by the way. Your pictures are making me hungry, and the wonderful thing is, I have this cake in my kitchen, so now, I can go indulge by craving!
I think the little cakes look cute, and I don't think this cake was designed to win a beauty contest.
I think your cake looks really moist and delicious!
I love the mini cakes, so cute.
Katie xox
Awww - so sad that the cake didn't behave!
But the brownies were good, and so was the cake for that matter.
Yes. The brownies were out of this world delicious. My little cakes were ugly too, but who the heck cares--this was the most delicious chocolate cake ever.
man that sure looks good!
to reply to you question about your basil: I'm not sure if you can harvest seeds from your plant or not.
You could ask at the you grow girl forums here: http://www.yougrowgirl.com/forums/
I'm sure they would have an answer for you!
As far as I'm concerned you can never have enough chocolate--this is gorgeous!
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