So I'm trying out a new blog layout. I tried to neaten it up a little bit, make it look cleaner and tidier and a little less cluttered. What do you think?
Anyway, I had a lot of fun with this week's recipe for Sweet Melissa Sundays. Our host for the week, the lovely Tracey of Tracey's Culinary Adventures chose Strawberry (Rhubarb) Cobbler Pie... I left the Rhubarb out, so mine is just a Strawberry Cobbler Pie. Though I was tempted to try out Rhubarb (like many other SMS-ers, I've never tried it before!) but I'm bringing it to family dinner on Sunday night and I wasn't sure how the fam would feel about it.
I made the cobbler pie exactly as the recipe from the Sweet Melissa Baking book states, except I subbed the 2 cups of Rhubarb for an additional two cups of strawberries. Also, I prepared my biscuit dough in the food processor since I don't own a pastry cutter, and it came together just fine. I may have used a tad bit more lemon zest than Melissa calls for because I'm never sure... when a recipe calls for a teaspoon of zest, is it one teaspoon packed? But... I admit... I cheated and used a pre-bought frozen pie crust. I'm sorry! I really wanted to give the pie crust recipe a try, I was a little short on time.

slicing the strawberries with an egg slicer... time saver!

Daniel cutting me some star shaped biscuits

Very liquidy.

Cute! This is the pre-baked pie. The star shape totally worked!

I told you mine was wet!!!! Was anyone's oozey and wet like this?

It came out looking very good! I can't wait to try it tonight with the family. I wish we could just dig in now!!!
Besides the SEA of STRAWBERRY OOZE GOO that flooded out of my pie, everything when perfectly smoothly. I thought Melissa's sweet biscuit recipe was great. I wound up with a few small stars that wouldn't fit on the pie, so I brushed them with milk, sprinkled with sugar, and baked them up. Served warm with a little jam... excellenttttt. If this is any indication of the taste of the whole pie, it should be quite delicious indeed! With the remaining heavy cream left over from the biscuit dough, I plan to whip up from whipped cream to serve with the pie... and maybe even some vanilla ice cream... mmm, perfection.
Check out the other SMS bakers to see how their pies came out by visiting the blogroll. And see Tracey's blog, Tracey's Culinary adventures to see the recipe. Buon appetito!
Oh Stephanie, I know what you mean. I love the stars on top and yes, mine overflowed like that too. Except that you were smart and wrapped your cookie sheet in tin foil..I didnt. I ended up with a sugar mess on the cookiesheet, but no worries, the pie was delicious regardless.
As for your family not liking the rhubarb, I didn't even really taste it to be honest...so I still don't really have an idea of how rhubarb tastes.
Oh my your pie looks absoloutely delicious, the strawberries look so juicy and mmmm!!
I love the new layout!! It looks fabulous. My site is in desperate need of a redesign - soon hopefully.
The stars you topped your pie with are so cute, and I especially love that you made them different sizes. My pie didn't overflow quite as much as yours, but that may be because I didn't bake it long enough. The biscuits were one of my favorite things about the pie so I definitely agree with you there. I hope the family enjoys the pie tonight!
Thanks so much for baking with me :)
I love the star shaped biscuits. Make it even better than it is. I think I would like all strawberry better. Rhubarb is good but strawberries are better.
Love the stars. Great blog layout.
Your new design looks great. I don't think I'd seen your profile before and it's fun to hear how you started baking.
Your pie looks awesome too! I agree with Nina, your family probably wouldn't notice the bitter rhubarb in this pie, since the strawberries and sugar are so sweet. And yeah, mine was also a huge mess.
That's a wonderful looking cobbler...I love the stars on top :)
The stars are so cute and you'd never be able to tell from the final product that it oozed out so much while baking!
Love the new blog layout! I'm totally jealous because I struggle to get mine the way I want it.
Your cobbler is so freakin' cute! I left out the rhubarb too and had a bit of a syrupy mess as well. Great job!
Stars look so festive. (I'm thinking fun Fourth of July Pie idea.)
I forget which poster mentioned using more strawberries, which have more water in them, which made her pie wetter.
I don't know your old layout, but I definitely like your new one, particularly your blog title/emblem.
I love the stars. I was wishing I had a fun shape to use and I never thought to check out my cookie cutters...lame! My pie was super oozy too and I couldn't find rhubarb so I didn't use it either...
Love the layout!
Great idea using star cookie cutters in different sizes. Looks fab!
What a beautiful pie! The stars turn a classic dessert into something really special. It seems to be quite the strawberry weekend--I just made a yummy strawberry tart!
Love the stars!! So cute. Your pie looks delicious. I opted for frozen crust as well.
Love the new layout!
That looks quite tasty. I wish I had thought of using an egg slicer on my strawberries. That would save lots of time!
Love the new look of the blog!
Your pie looks amazing. Beautiful pictures.
Your cobbler pie looks delicious! LOVE the stars and I know your family enjoyed every bite! What a great idea using the rest of the heavy cream to whip up and serve with the dessert. YUM!
I love the stars! Brilliant. Yours looks really good. I hope you enjoyed it!
I like the stars added as a topping!
I love your new fresh layout! And the stars on top are so super cute - yum!
What a stunning pie! I love the different shaped stars, they make it so pretty. I'm sure everyone loved this one :)
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