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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ahh, Blogging

Hello kind readers,
If you are like me, and if you are reading this you probably are, you enjoy blogging. You get joy out of updating, seeing people comment, and reading and commenting on other blogs. You do it for fun. For the joy of doing it. If there is one thing for sure, you don't do it for the money. But what if you COULD?

Well... I can't. And most people cannot either. But my sister has the opportunity to be able to do so. She has been deemed a finalist in a student blogging contest worth $10,000! If you enjoy medieval things, funny things, and sisterly things, then please, visit my sister's blog: Per Omnia Saecula. She is a PhD student in Medieval things, and blogs for the pure joy of it. If you think her blog is worth 10,000 please click here to vote for her.

Thank you! And happy weekend. :)


CB said...

I voted. GL to your sister!

Anonymous said...

Some people blog for money..but I am just a few out there who blog for the fun of it.


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